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privacy policy 679/2016 “GDPR”


The website management methods with reference to the processing of the personal data of users who consult it are extensively described below. This policy privacy statement is provided also as a brief statement in accordance with the European Regulation on privacy n. 679/2016 (“GDPR” – General Data Protection Regulation). Data processing is always based on principles of lawfulness and fairness in accordance with all the current legal provisions and appropriate security measures are implemented in order to protect data. This privacy policy statement only regards this website and it is does not apply to any other websites consulted by the user through any links provided on such, which are not legally bound by this privacy policy statement. We recommend you carefully and thoroughly read privacy policy statements available on these external websites and to examine the procure relating to the collection, use and dissemination of personal data used by these.

Every time we contact or interact with visitors to our website, we can collect their personal data such as their Name, Surname, Telephone number, E-mail as well as any other data that is voluntarily provided by the user. In addition to what is foreseen below with reference to navigation data, users are free to provide their own personal data and their failure to do so could result in the impossibility to obtain they have requested.


While browsing, standard access information is collected along with details relating to the patterns of behaviour of visitors so as to obtain information such as, the number of visitors to the several sections of the website. We collect this information using methods that do not allow the data subject to the identified. We are not attempting, in any way whatsoever, to discover the identity of visitors to our website and we do not associate any data collected through our website with any information deriving from any other source, that could identify a data subject (in any case, except for information provided voluntarily by the user).



The navigation data is acquired by IT systems and by software procedures that govern the operation of this website. This is information that are not collected to enable a subsequent identification of the user, but it is used with the sole aim of acquiring anonymous statistical information on the use of the website and to make sure it works properly; the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who access the website fall into this category, the time of the request, the method used to send the request to the server, the numerical code reporting the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) as well as other parameters relating to the operating system and the browser used by the user. The data provided voluntarily by the users through this website is processed with the sole aim of granting access to products, services and contents, as well as carrying out the service or performance required. In relation to certain specific services, and after obtaining the data subject’s informed consent, the data entered can be used by the Data Controller also to inform and update the services offered (e.g. to send newsletters), to carry out sales activities or for the placement of products and services and to develop studies and market research activities. In any case, the data acquired could be used to ascertain responsibility with regards to hypothetical cybercrime against the website.



This website is managed by the Data Controller, responsible for this privacy policy statement and is identified as TUBIMEC SRL con sede legale in REGGIO EMILIA, 42122 via L. Pasteur n. 2, e sede operativa in PONZANO VENETO (TV) 31050 alla via Indipendenza, 10 e sede operativa in Caorso 29012 (PC) alla via Kennedy S/N Partita Iva 01939710263 c.f. 01939710263.. The Data Controller guarantees the safety, confidentiality and the protection of the data of which he/it is in possession, during any stage of the processing procedure of the same. The data collected is used in compliance with current legislation on privacy (GDPR n.679/2016). Personal data can be brought to the attention of personnel authorised to process the data and therefore, it can be communicated to collaborators and/or other individuals to whom the communication of such is necessary in order to provide services for the technical support of IT/telematics services and server storage. The data provided by the user may be communicated to individuals for whom there is an obligation to communicate data in accordance with law or there is the need to assert the rights of the Data Controller before the appropriate bodies. The transfer of the personal data collected towards extra-EU countries or to international organisations is not foreseen.




In compliance with the principles of proportionality and necessity, the data will not be kept for periods longer than those that are strictly necessary in order to carry out the abovementioned purposes and, in any case, the service offered or to fulfil the specific legal provisions. The data collected through cookies, the specific information statement of which follows, will be kept according to its nature: session cookies expire when the user closes the browser, persistent cookies have typical expiry dates that, unless there are particular exceptions, do not exceed 60 days. The User can always, at any time whatsoever, request for the interruption of the Processing or the deletion and/or restriction of their personal data.



With reference to Art. 6 of the GDPR n. 679/16, the data subject can withdraw his/her consent at any time whatsoever. The GDPR n. 679/2016 grants the data subject certain rights: the right to access the data collected and processes – Art. 15, the right to obtain the rectification of data – art. 16, the right to obtain the deletion of data and the right to be forgotten – Art. 17, the right to obtain the restriction of data processing – Art. 18, the right to obtain the portability of data to another Data Controller – Art. 20, the right to objection towards data processing – Art. 21, the right to non-submission to automated processing procedures – Art. 22, the right to withdraw one’s consent at any time whatsoever, without jeopardising the lawfulness of the data processing based on the consent given prior to the withdrawal – Art. 7, the right to lodge a complaint with the competent Supervisory Body – Art. 77. These rights can be carried out by sending a request via e-mail to the following address: Further information in relation to the processing of Personal Data can be requested at any time whatsoever from the Data Controller using the relative contact details.



The Data Controller reserves the right to make changes to this privacy policy at any time whatsoever, informing Users of such by publishing them on this page. Therefore, it is advisable to consult this page often, using the date of the last change made, stated at the bottom. In case of the failure to accept the changes made to this privacy policy, the User is obliged to stop using this Application and can request the Data Controller to remove his/her Personal Data. Unless otherwise specified.



Our website is addressed to the general public and does not offer any services intended for children. If we discover that a minor has provided personal data without the authorisation of his/her parents or legal guardian, we will immediately delete such information.



The User’s Personal Data can be used as a means of defence by the Data Controller before courts or during the preparatory stages prior to such, from abuse by the User in the use of the same or associated services. Following a court summons, a court order or any other legal initiative; with the aim of establishing or exercising the rights granted to us by law; to defend ourselves in case of legal action taken against us or for any other purpose dictated by law. The User hereby declares that he/she is aware that the Data Controller could be required to reveal his/her personal data upon request made by public authorities.

Last update 25th may 2018